The 2024 Community Satisfaction Survey

30,000 rate payers were surveyed across 62 local government areas, with a minimum of 400 interviews undertaken within each participating municipality. Participating councils received their reports early June which included comparisons to previous years, the state-wide results and the  results grouped by like councils.

About the survey

This statewide annual telephone survey collects direct feedback from the community about councils. It covers:

  • council's overall performance
  • community consultation and engagement
  • customer service
  • overall council direction

The survey is conducted by the Department of Government Services on behalf of participating councils. A minimum of 400 local residents and ratepayers in each municipality over 18 years of age are selected at random.

Surveys since 2012 have used an improved methodology (questions and sample size) which means that the results are not directly comparable to 2001-2011 surveys.

Results for 2024

Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey 2024 PDF, 3987.22 KB

Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey 2024 DOCX, 623.56 KB

Previous council community satisfaction surveys

Sixty-two councils participated in the 2024 survey, with a minimum of 400 interviews undertaken within each participating municipality.

Participating councils received their reports early June which included comparisons to previous years, the state-wide result and the group results of like councils.

Results for 2023

Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey 2023 PDF, 4340.22 KB

Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey 2023 DOCX, 644.11 KB

Sixty-seven councils participated in the 2022 survey, with a minimum of 400 interviews undertaken within each participating municipality.

Participating councils received their reports early June which included comparisons to previous years, the state-wide result and the group results of like councils.

Results for 2022

Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey 2022  PDF, 4653.75 KB

Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey 2022 DOCX, 536.13 KB

Sixty-six councils participated in the 2021 survey, with a minimum of 400 interviews undertaken within each participating municipality.

Participating councils received their reports early June which included comparisons to previous years, the state-wide result and the group results of like councils.

Results for 2021

Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey 2021 PDF, 4612.46 KB

Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey 2021 DOCX, 503.5 KB

Sixty-one councils participated in the 2020 survey, with a minimum of 400 interviews undertaken within each participating municipality.

Participating councils received their reports early June which included comparisons to previous years, the state-wide result and the group results of like councils.

Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey 2020 PDF, 5291.29 KB

Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey 2020 DOCX, 521.87 KB

Sixty-three councils participated in the 2019 survey, with a minimum of 400 interviews undertaken within each participating municipality.

Participating councils received their reports early June which included comparisons to previous years, the state-wide result and the group results of like councils.

Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey - 2019
PDF, 2767.73 KB

Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey 2019 DOCX, 540.53 KB

Sixty-four councils participated in the 2018 survey, with a minimum of 400 interviews undertaken within each participating municipality.

Participating councils received their reports at the end of May which included comparisons to previous years, the state-wide result and the group results of like councils.

Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey - 2018 PDF, 1954.84 KB

Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey - 2018
DOCX, 656.85 KB

Sixty-eight councils participated in this survey. A minimum of 400 interviews were undertaken within each participating municipality during February and March.

Participating councils received their reports at the end of May which included comparisons to previous years, the state-wide result and the group results of like councils.

Sixty-nine councils participated in this survey. A minimum of 400 interviews were undertaken within each participating municipality during February and March.

Participating councils received their reports at the end of May which included comparisons to previous years, the state-wide result and the group results of like councils.

The statewide reports and sample "Adamsville" reports based on a fictional council for 2001 -2011.