
The Victorian Government provided $1.4 million over two years in the 2021-22 Victorian Budget for a Rural Roads Support Package to improve the road asset management capacity and capability of the 11 rural councils having responsibility for the longest lengths of local roads on a per capita basis.

Victoria's councils are responsible for maintaining 132,500 kilometres of local roads, with more than 65 per cent of that length being the responsibility of rural councils. Small shires generally carry a greater financial burden in road infrastructure than other councils as a result of their relatively larger geographical area, small populations and lower rating capacity.

A three-phase program has been developed with Ararat Rural City Council and Buloke, Gannawarra, Hindmarsh, Loddon, Northern Grampians, Pyrenees, Strathbogie, Towong, West Wimmera and Yarriambiack Shire Councils to improve the use of data, data collection, and interoperability of local council systems. The key challenges to road asset management that councils highlighted are capacity and practice issues relating to the use of data, data collection technologies, staff expertise and interoperability of local council systems. Data collection and analysis capability, in particular, were highlighted as fundamental to improving asset management practice and decision making.

The Three Phases of the Program

  • Phase One – The development a common road data set to meet the road asset management requirements with the support of consultants engaged by Local Government Victoria.
  • Phase Two – A program to understand councils’ existing data collection, management and analysis systems and practices and how any challenges to collecting, managing and analysing the common data set can be addressed.
  • Phase Three – A data collection and analysis capacity building program that provides funding support to the 11 councils to address the challenges identified in Phase Two.

The program design takes into account the diversity of road asset management maturity and decision-making sophistication amongst the councils.

The third phase commenced in June 2022 with each of the 11 councils receiving $56,500 over two funding rounds to improve their capability and capacity. All funded projects have been completed.

Projects funded in Phase Three

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Council contact

Integrated Internet of Things Solutions for Infrastructure Monitoring and Flood Detection in Ararat

Three projects have been funded in Ararat to enhance road management.

Project 1 involved the installation of solar and battery powered open channel stormwater monitors that capture per minute stormwater height, temperature and humidity data, to increase Council’s weather network monitoring system capacity to automate workflows and alerts, including predicting up to 45 minutes ahead of time if stormwater systems are at risk of exceeding capacity.

Project 2 enabled the installation of tilt, deflection and vibration sensors on Warak bridge to track bridge vibrations and movements across seasonal temperatures and water level changes, as a proof of concept for providing insight and trend analysis into bridge health. Through the Ararat Data lake, real-time data is also shared with Federation University Australia for engineering analytics and student projects.

Project 3 was a collaboration with Telstra and Telstra Spatial Insights to install a fixed mount camera with edge AI capabilities pointed at the Warak bridge surface, to collect data on vehicles travelling across the bridge, including type, speed, length and axle count.

The data collected through Projects 2 and 3 provides greater insight into how a bridge is impacted by different types of vehicles and seasonal weather, improving Council’s bridge maintenance responses.

Glenn Carman

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Council contact

Enhanced Infrastructure Management and Traffic Analysis in Buloke

Two projects have been funded in Buloke to enhance road management.

Project 1 involved purchasing tablets and GoPros to support flood recovery and road maintenance. The tablets have improved the Council’s data collection capabilities, while the GoPros have increased efficiency in capturing necessary photographs for flood funding. These tools enable the outdoor crew to manage road work in real time and collect photographic evidence for flood recovery efforts.

Project 2 addressed gaps in traffic count data by conducting planned traffic counts at 60 rural road sites within the shire. This provided valuable insights into traffic speed, volume, and direction, contributing to better-informed infrastructure management decisions.

Salomme Menezes

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Council contact

Optimising Infrastructure Management through Enhanced Data Collection and Planning in Gannawarra

Three projects have been funded in Gannawarra to improve road management.

Project 1 involved the purchase of two new traffic classifiers to better collect data on road use. This assists the Council with efficient maintenance planning, investment decisions, and developing funding applications.

Project 2 provided updated and accurate road condition data for better strategic planning and decision-making. This helps close gaps in the completeness of captured data and ensure future financial plans for replacements are precise.

Project 3 introduced a temporary data option to support the planning and execution of road renewal projects while a comprehensive Asset Management Plan is being developed. This will guide the Council’s Capital Works program until the AMP is ready by mid-2025.

Dmitry Belyakov

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Council contact

Strengthening Asset Management, Infrastructure, and Workforce Capabilities in Hindmarsh

Four projects have been funded in Hindmarsh to improve road management.

Project 1 addressed the lack of historical visual records for Council’s assets before and after disaster events. By building a comprehensive image library, it has created a valuable resource to support future insurance claims, damage assessments, and long-term asset management planning.

Project 2 provided the Council with real-time access to asset data through the Assetic Cloud. This enables flexible remote working and enhances collaboration among teams. The system also improves data integrity, supporting the Council in making better decisions for planning, budgeting, and maintaining town assets.

Project 3 focused on acquiring additional road counting units to enhance the Council's ability to monitor and manage its extensive road network, spanning over 6,000 square kilometers and 2,000 kilometers of roads. This expansion enables more comprehensive data collection, leading to better-informed decisions about road usage, maintenance, and future infrastructure projects.

Project 4 launched a training initiative to ensure new employees receive formal training in essential skills, while existing staff benefit from refresher courses to enhance their expertise. This program has upskilled the Council’s workforce and fostered a culture of continuous learning and professional development across the organisation.

Ram Upadhyaya

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Image Capture of Loddon Shire Roads

One project has been funded in Loddon to improve road management.

The project enhanced the Council’s understanding of its road network capacity through expanding the photo image database of the Shire’s roads.  Having an up-to-date asset infrastructure image database has enabled business performance improvements including Council’s ability to apply for disaster recovery funding support.

Daniel McQueen

David Southcombe

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Council contact

Advancing Infrastructure, Asset Management, and Future Planning in Northern Grampians

Four projects have been funded in Northern Grampians to improve road management.

Project 1 supported the Council’s upgrade of modelling software from MyPredictor V5.2 to the cloud-based Predictor Platform. This upgrade has significantly enhanced operational capabilities by providing the Executive team with essential tools for informed decision-making and strategic planning.

Projects 2 and 3 involved the development of Level 3 bridge testing reports for the Baldwin Plains Road Bridge and the Wallaloo East Road and Carrols Bridge Road Bridges. These reports enable the Council to develop a feasible plan for more efficient future maintenance and improved accessibility. By addressing immediate issues identified during testing, the Council ensures long-term infrastructure integrity, improving safety and supporting local economic development.

Project 4 focused on creating an online Asset Management Plan using ESRI Online Story Maps. This digital and interactive approach has improved decision-making and empowered the in-house team to independently develop and maintain story maps for various asset categories.

Jeevan Pinto

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Council contact

Enhancing Road Infrastructure and Data Accuracy in Pyrenees

Two projects have been funded in Pyrenees to improve road management.

Project 1 involved a complete re-survey of the municipal road network. Road lengths, widths, and surfaces were measured using manual and Global Positioning System equipment, with data verified and entered to the Council's Geographic Information System. The road classification and Council’s register of public roads were updated to improve data accuracy.

Project 2 redefined the segmentation of the sealed road network by seal length to enhance the accuracy of condition assessments. Major culverts, stormwater pits, and pipes were also inspected and assessed.

These projects have led to:

  • Improved road data accuracy and asset   valuation
  • Better condition assessments and renewal   forecasting
  • GIS mapping of road assets and a more accurate road hierarchy, and
  • Enhanced organisational capability through   refined work methods

Tim Day

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Council contact

Enhancing Infrastructure Management in Strathbogie

Two projects have been funded in Strathbogie to improve road management.

Project 1 involved purchasing additional traffic counters, boosting the Council’s capacity to collect essential traffic data. This supports faster decision-making for road design, safety improvements, and community requests, helping optimise road upgrades and new developments. The Council plans to expand data collection across the entire network, although additional resources will be needed to manage the increased data and review service levels.

Project 2 supported the successful rewrite of the Road Management Plan to align with ISO 55001, which is now awaiting approval. Asset data was reviewed to inform annual renewal programs based on the Long-Term Financial Plan.

Initial steps were taken to draft a consolidated Risk Management Plan, streamlining asset-specific risks into one document. Despite challenges such as flood management that delayed Service Level Plans, the project achieved significant progress, including revitalising the Asset Management Steering Committee to guide future improvements.

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Towong Road Network Enhancement Initiatives

Three projects have been funded in Towong to improve road management.

Projects 1 and 2 addressed gaps in the Council's video imaging database by employing new technology to collect high-definition video and Global Positioning System-located road condition data. This advancement enables Council officers to generate detailed real-time inspection reports, significantly enhancing the management of the existing road network.

Following recent natural disasters, the Council faced challenges in conducting thorough road inspections due to staff capacity constraints.

To overcome this, Project 2 utilised the improved video imaging and condition assessment analysis to provide up-to-date information on road conditions. Once all sealed and unsealed roads are inspected, the Council will implement cost-effective maintenance and renewal strategies based on these insights, ultimately enhancing road conditions, connectivity, mobility, and safety.

Project 3 focused on enhancing road traffic data collection to inform future strategic traffic management decisions. The Council added two extra traffic counters to the existing four, boosting data collection capacity by over 50 per cent. The improved traffic data outcomes have empowered Council officers to better manage the road network, guiding future project initiatives and capital budget allocations. Additionally, the data helps identify priority roads based on functionality.

Jamie Heritage

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Council contact

Enhancing Infrastructure Management and Field Operations in West Wimmera

Four projects have been funded in West Wimmera to improve road management.

Project 1 upgraded the Council’s system to the latest cloud version of AssetAssyst and updated the pavement database, improving asset and maintenance management efficiency. Field officers can now use tablets and create programmed maintenance schedules.

Project 2 collected photographic records of the road network to assess asset conditions and meet natural disaster funding requirements. This photo documentation benefits all levels of the Council, ensuring data accessibility for all staff.

Project 3 conducted a condition inspection and assessment of the bridge network in 2023. This assessment aligns with the Common Road Dataset and provides the Council with up-to-date data to inform future investigations and maintenance work on the bridges.

Project 4 implemented field devices for Council asset management, integrating mobile apps into the road management system. It allows field officers to use tablets, streamlining the creation and management of programmed maintenance schedules.

James Magee

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Council contact

Improving Asset Management and Maintenance Efficiency in Yarriambiack

Four projects have been funded in Yarriambiack to improve road management.

Projects 1 and 2 equipped the Council with seven iPads and upgraded mobility apps, improving data collection and making it easier to schedule maintenance tasks.

Project 3 enhanced the Council’s Customer Request Management system, adding features like auto-replies, flexible due dates after inspections, and improved usability to streamline maintenance programming.

Project 4 upgraded aerial imagery storage with a Network Attached Storage unit, enhancing access to asset condition data and solving previous issues with file access.

These projects have strengthened the Council's planning, management, and maintenance processes, improving budgeting, asset data collection, and reporting. Aerial imagery and Geographic Information System data are now more accessible, and field officers can manage tasks more efficiently with mobile tools. The CRM upgrade also enhances public relations by aligning with Council service standards.

Michael Evans

The Rural Roads Common Dataset Framework

A common road data set framework has been developed. The Rural Roads Common Dataset Framework approach PDF, 145.24 KB is aimed at building consensus on road statutory and funding grant reporting requirements, as well as promoting good road asset management practices.

Included in the Rural Roads Common Dataset Framework XLSX, 690.24 KB are road network profile, condition and management indicators that provide councils with an objective and robust picture of their current road network, and enable councils to:

  • meet their statutory responsibilities, particularly asset management responsibilities prescribed in the Local Government Act 2020 and Road Management Act 2004
  • utilise asset management frameworks and toolkits, such as the National Asset Management Assessment Framework and the Municipal Association of Victoria’s STEP Asset Management Framework, to develop maturity and sophistication in their planning and management
  • promptly and effectively respond to community feedback, needs and expectations
  • provide the required information to access recurrent and ad-hoc grant funding, including Commonwealth Financial Assistance Grants and Disaster Relief Funding Arrangement support
  • support state emergency management response
  • address recommendations in the Auditor-General’s Maintaining Local Roads report in relation to gaps in road condition data, improving information used for road maintenance planning, and effective engagement of communities to understand road users' needs, and
  • identify areas for improvements tailored to each council’s operating environment.

An eight asset lifecycle information layer methodology has been adopted as the foundational structure across the Framework. Those 8 information layers represent the asset lifecycle in a simple and purpose driven manner, capturing the What, Where, Capability, Utilisation, Condition, Performance and Cost related to road assets. It enables the opportunity for the dataset to grow in the future in an organised manner as the maturity of council practice evolves.

The Framework is made up of core data items to meet statutory, grant, emergency and basic asset management requirements, and optional supplementary data items as value-add data items to further support and inform asset management decision making. Also included are optional risk and resilience data to support asset management decision making, optional automated pavement condition assessment data to demonstrate best practice in road pavement condition monitoring.

It builds on previous industry harmonisation efforts, in particular the Austroads Data Standard for Road Management and Investment in Australia and New Zealand, and sense checked against the Vicmap Transport Data Model.

For more information, contact:

Chris Phoon
Senior Manager Rural Council Projects
