The resources listed below apply to the Local Government Act 2020. Following implementation of the Act, work is underway to migrate the relevant implementation resources from our Engage Victoria website. This transition will include a review of what ongoing resources are required, including those currently listed as draft.
Ministerial Good Practice Guideline - Virtual Meetings
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for, and usefulness of, a more flexible and modern approach to conducting certain required local government meetings.
The Ministerial Good Practice Guideline 1 (MGPG-1): Virtual Meetings was developed to support councils to implement virtual meetings as a temporary measure.
These temporary measures ceased on 1 September 2022.
Permanent provisions
From 2 September 2022 onwards, councils are permanently enabled to conduct virtual meetings in accordance with their Governance Rules.
The Ministerial Good Practice Guideline (MGPG-3) Virtual Meetings is now in place to support councils to implement virtual meetings on a permanent basis.
Local Government Victoria has worked with the sector to develop Model Governance Rules (Virtual Meetings) that may assist councils in the development of Governance Rules to meet the requirements for virtual meetings.
CEO Employment and Remuneration Policy
As part of Stage 4 of implementation, Section 45 of the Local Government Act 2020 outlines the requirement for councils to develop and adopt a CEO Employment and Remuneration Policy. The first CEO Employment and Remuneration Policy must be adopted by 31 December 2021.
Below are examples of current CEO Employment and Remuneration Policies as well as some reference material. Please note that these documents are presented as a guide only. They may be useful for councils when developing their own policy but are not considered mandatory.
Please refer to the Local Government Act 2020 for specific details about what is required.
Example CEO Employment and Remuneration policies:
Resources from:
Victorian Public Sector Commission (Assessing a CEO's Performance)
Local Government Inspectorate (Managing Employment Cycle - CEO)
VPS Executive Employment Handbook
Code of Conduct for Council Staff
As part of Stage 4 of implementation, Section 49 of the Local Government Act 2020 outlines the requirement for councils to develop and implement a Code of Conduct for Council Staff. The first Code of Conduct for Council Staff must be developed and implemented by 31 December 2021. Until this has occurred, the Code of Conduct for Council staff implemented under section 95AA of the Local Government Act 1989 applies. Please ensure that all new Codes of Conduct for Council Staff refer to the Local Government Act 2020.
Below are examples of current Code of Conduct for Council Staff documents. Please note that these are presented as guides only and may be useful for councils when developing their own policy.
Please refer to the Local Government Act 2020 for specific details about what is required.
Example Code of Conduct for Council Staff policies
Complaints Handling
The Local Government Act 2020 requires councils to develop a complaints policy that outlines the process for complaint handling. The Act defines a complaint and stipulates the need for the complaints process to remain independent.
Local Government Victoria have worked closely with the Victorian Ombudsman who have developed a Good Practice Guide which provides advice on implementing the new legislative requirements to complaint handling.
Councils must have their complaints policies by 31 December 2021
Conflict of Interest
Conflicts of Interest and Personal Interests Returns is covered in Section 126 – 136 of the Local Government Act 2020 . It’s important to understand that the provisions relating to conflicts of interest are related to other sections of the Act including:
- Section 60 (Governance Rules);
- Sections 132 -136 (Personal Interest Returns) and
- Sections 137-138 (Gifts)
Please see our Conflict of Interests Guide and Conflict of Interest Manual
Freedom of information and section 125 of the Local Government Act 2020
The Local Government Legislative Amendment (Rating and Other Matters) Act 2022 made amendments to section 125 of the LG Act 2020 to ensure that councils process FOI requests for categories of confidential information in accordance with the applicable exemptions under the Freedom of Information Act 1982. This upholds the principles of transparency and accountability that underpin both Acts and reduces complexity for councils.
The Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner (OVIC) has developed this Practice Note relating to section 125 of the Local Government Act 2020: FOI and section 125 of the Local Government Act 2020.
Local Laws
Victorian councils have the broad power to make local laws ‘for or with respect to any act, matter or thing in respect of which the council has a function or power under this or any other Act’ (Local Government Act 2020, section 71(1)).
Councils utilise local laws to respond to issues and community needs within a local context. They typically deal with, but are not limited to, protection of local amenity as well as regulating activities on council controlled land and roads.
To learn more about important changes to the local law framework in the 2020 Act, please refer to the dedicated local laws page.
Planning and Reporting
Effective planning and reporting by councils is essential for ensuring transparency and accountability to the community and other levels of government.
The resources on the Planning and Reporting page support Victorian councils to meet their legislative obligations to plan and report on their performance over the short, medium and long term.
Stage 4 Fact Sheets
Local Government Victoria has developed fact sheets to inform councils on changes in the Act including:
Unbiased Decision-Making
Please see our guide for Ensuring Unbiased Democratic Council Decision-Making