Local Government Performance Reporting Framework

Technical Working Groups 2024

The Local Government Performance Reporting Steering Committee is seeking participants for the triennial review of the Local Government Performance Reporting Framework.

The Minister has endorsed the following topics for the 2024 review, each to be led by a Technical Working Group:

  • Service and financial indicator review (Stream 1)
  • Governance and accountability measures review (Stream 2)
  • The conduct and use of the Community Satisfaction Survey (Stream 3)
  • Target setting phase 2 (Stream 4)

We invite representatives from all councils to participate in the Technical Working Groups. These streams will run consecutively from February to October, involving a series of workshops to discuss and provide recommendations to the Steering Committee by November 2024.

For the 2026-27 reporting period, there will be a shift in the framework structure from the existing service area/financial function model to an outcomes/focus structure. This transition necessitates a comprehensive review of the current measures and discussions on potential future measures to align with the new structure.

For detailed information, kindly refer to the Stream 1 Factsheet.

Eligibility Requirements

For councils

To participate, you must be an employee of council and hold a senior manager to executive-level position within the organisation. As the council representative, you will be tasked with speaking on behalf of the organisation within the working group and managing internal discussions as necessary.

A thorough understanding of the current reporting requirements is crucial.

Additionally, you will be required to leverage your existing internal network, particularly across service areas and the finance team in your council. Your responsibilities include coordinating with subject matter experts within your organisation and articulating their perspectives to the working group.

Council may only nominate one participant per council.

For peak bodies

To be eligible to participate, you must have the support of your Local Government Performance Reporting Steering Committee representative.

The peak body may only nominate one participant per peak body.


Proposed dates for Stream 1 online workshops are:

  • Thursday 7th March
  • Tuesday 19th March
  • Thursday 4th April

Requirement:  6 to 8 hr total commitment (3 x 2 hr meetings + additional meeting if required).

Additional work

In addition to attendance at workshops, you may be asked to review discussion papers and conduct internal discussions with subject matter experts to gain a broader understanding of the impacts of any proposed changes.


Registration for Stream 1 has now closed.

Discussion points

Submissions for Stream 1 have now closed.

The Technical Working Group for Stream 2 will review the current governance measures and make recommendations for potential enhancements and improvements, including the Governance and Management Checklist.

For detailed information, kindly refer to the Stream 2 Factsheet.

Eligibility Requirements

For Councils

To qualify for participation, you must be an employee of council and hold a senior manager to executive-level position within the organisation. As the council representative, you will be tasked with speaking on behalf of the organisation within the working group and managing internal discussions as necessary. A thorough understanding of the current reporting requirements is crucial.

Additionally, you will be required to leverage your existing internal network, particularly across the governance area in your council. Your responsibilities include coordinating with subject matter experts within your organisation and articulating their perspectives to the working group.

Council may only nominate one participant per council.

For peak bodies

To be eligible to participate, you must have the support of your Local Government Performance Reporting Steering Committee representative. The peak body may only nominate one participant per peak body.


Proposed dates for Stream 2 online workshops are:

  • Tuesday 23rd April
  • Thursday 16th May
  • Tuesday 28th May

Requirement: 6 to 8 hr total commitment (3 x 2 hr meetings + additional meeting if required).

Additional work

In addition to attendance at workshops, you may be asked to review discussion papers and conduct internal discussions with subject matter experts to gain a broader understanding of the impacts of any proposed changes.


Registration for Stream 2 has now closed.

Discussion points

Submissions for Stream 2 have now closed.

The LGPR Steering Committee is seeking advice and recommendations from councils and peak bodies on the following key points:

  • The ongoing function and purpose of the sector-wide and council community satisfaction survey
  • The optimal data collection method for conducting a sector-wide community satisfaction survey
  • Products offered by the sector-wide community satisfaction survey
  • Best value for money delivery options

For detailed information, kindly refer to the Stream 3 Factsheet.

Eligibility Requirements

For councils

To qualify for participation, you must be an employee of council and hold a senior manager to executive-level position within the organisation. As the council representative, you will be tasked with speaking on behalf of the organisation within the working group and managing internal discussions as necessary.

A thorough understanding of the current community satisfaction survey process and the use of the survey results within council is crucial.

Additionally, you will be required to leverage your existing internal network, particularly across your council. Your responsibilities include coordinating with subject matter experts within your organisation and articulating their perspectives to the working group.

Council may only nominate one participant per council.

For peak bodies

To be eligible to participate, you must have the support of your Local Government Performance Reporting Steering Committee representative.

The peak body may only nominate one participant per peak body.



Workshops will be scheduled to occur between June to August 2024. Participants should be available for a maximum total of 6 – 8 hours for workshops during this period.

Workshops will be a combination of online and in-person sessions, depending on participant numbers and locations. Dates for Stream 3 workshops to be confirmed.

Additional work

In addition to attendance at workshops, you may be asked to review discussion papers and conduct internal discussions with subject matter experts to gain a broader understanding of the impacts of any proposed changes.


Registration for Stream 3 has now closed.

The LGPR Steering Committee is seeking advice and recommendations from councils and peak bodies on the following key points:

  • Determining the optimal number of measures to set targets against in the expanded target-setting process,
  • Identifying the specific measures that should be included for target setting.

For detailed information, kindly refer to the Stream 4 Factsheet.

Eligibility Requirements

For councils

To qualify for participation, you must hold a senior manager to executive-level position within the organisation. As the council representative, you will be tasked with speaking on behalf of the organisation within the working group and managing internal discussions as necessary.

A thorough understanding of the current reporting requirements is crucial.

Additionally, you will be required to leverage your existing internal network, particularly across service areas and the finance team in your council. Your responsibilities include coordinating with subject matter experts within your organisation and articulating their perspectives to the working group.

Council may only nominate one participant per council.

For peak bodies

To be eligible to participate, you must have the support of your Local Government Performance Reporting Steering Committee representative.

The peak body may only nominate one participant per peak body.


Workshops will be scheduled to occur between July to September 2024. Participants should be available for a maximum total of 6 – 8 hours for workshops during this period.

Workshops will be online. Dates for Stream 4 workshops to be confirmed.

Additional work

In addition to attendance at workshops, you may be asked to review discussion papers and conduct internal discussions with subject matter experts to gain a broader understanding of the impacts of any proposed changes.


Registration for Stream 4 has now closed.