In September 2023, councils were given the opportunity to join the Local Government Fair Jobs Code Advisory Committee.

Chaired by Local Government Victoria (LGV), the Committee has been established to drive and monitor the development and implementation of the Local Government Jobs Code.

The Committee comprises:

Local Government Victoria (LGV)
Industrial Relations Victoria (IRV)
Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV)
Local Government Professionals Inc (LGPro)
Australian Services Union (ASU)
Professionals Australia (PA)
Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF)
Eight Local Councils
Stage 1 implementation will commence following Government endorsement of the key features of the Code. After which, the Department of Government Services will broaden engagement to the local government sector and other key stakeholders.
The eight member councils will undertake Stage 1 implementation and provide feedback to the Committee prior to the Code being rolled out to all councils. The Committee will continue to advise LGV until full implementation of the Code in 2025.

For further information about the Local Government Jobs Code please contact Local Government Victoria at