The first comprehensive review of the Local Government Act in a quarter of a century has commenced, with the appointment of an advisory committee to provide independent advice to the Minister for Local Government on the reforms required.

The first comprehensive review of the Local Government Act in a quarter of a century has commenced, with the appointment of an advisory committee to provide independent advice to the Minister for Local Government on the reforms required.Chaired by Member for Yuroke Ros Spence, the Advisory Committee includes current councillor representatives of metropolitan and regional councils and past senior local and state government executives.

The review responds to calls from the local government sector which has been calling for legislative reform after over 90 amending acts have resulted in hundreds of individual amendments to the Local Government Act 1989 in the past 25 years.

The review will consider all aspects of the act and will result in updated legislation that modernises the relationship between the state and local government sectors to better reflect essential roles and responsibilities. Terms of Reference are available here DOCX, 19.26 KB.

The review will involve the release of various consultation papers and invitations for submissions over coming months.

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