The Mechanics Trentham officially opened on Friday, 21 June 2024, bringing services and meeting spaces under one roof.

The Trentham community now has a one-stop-shop to access the town’s services as well as host group gatherings, thanks to the completion of The Mechanics Trentham.

The community hub features a library, a visitor information centre, a Hepburn Shire Council customer service counter, meeting and function rooms, and a multi-purpose community hall.

Works have also created on-site car parking to improve accessibility for people of all ages and abilities.

Built on the site of the old Trentham Mechanics Institute and incorporating elements of the original building, The Mechanics Trentham was designed in close consultation with the community.

The new library will play an important role in fostering lifelong learning and facilitating free access to print and digital information. It will resource for the development of training and skills, which will help to enrich the lives of community members.

Putting these facilities and services under a single roof will boost liveability in Trentham, giving people access to what they need in a single, convenient location.

The $7.45 million project was funded with $3.5 million from the Regional Infrastructure Fund, $500,000 from Local Government Victoria’s Living Libraries Infrastructure Program, $1.1 million from the Federal Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program, and $2.35 million from Hepburn Shire Council.

Visit the Hepburn Shire Council website for more information about this project.