GAIC is delivering state and regionally significant infrastructure projects that support the needs of Melbourne’s growing communities.

The fund is a contribution that is paid by landowners developing urban communities on growth area land that has been rezoned since 2005. Contributions are collected by the State Revenue Office (SRO) and distributed equally between two special purpose accounts:

  • The Growth Areas Public Transport Fund (GAPTF); and
  • The Building New Communities Fund (BNCF).

The Victorian Government introduced GAIC into the Planning and Environment Act 1987 Part 9B in 2010 to respond to the challenges facing residents in the growth areas of Cardinia, Casey, Hume, Melton, Mitchell, Whittlesea and Wyndham.

GAIC is administered by the Minister for Planning and Treasurer.

The outcomes of the 2018-19 State Budget and Annual Funding Round, and 2019-20 State Budget and Annual Funding Round can be found here.