Local Government Victoria collects this information in order to:
- confirm your eligibility to nominate for local government election.
- understand the interest and participation of diverse groups in council elections.
Mandatory information
Under the Local Government Act 2020, if you wish to nominate as a candidate in the 2024 local government elections you must provide the following mandatory information:
- Name
- Date of birth
- Valid photographic identification.
Any personal information you provide about yourself or a third party is protected under the provisions of the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014.
As the candidate training is provided via an online module you are asked to provide this information through a short registration process. This registration process asks you to provide “valid photographic identification” by entering the number from your driver’s licence or passport.
If you do not have a driver’s licence or passport please contact Local Government Victoria during business hours on telephone 136 186 or email to lgv@ecodev.vic.gov.au.
This information may be shared with and used by the Department of Government Services (DGS), the Chief Municipal Inspector or the officers of the Victorian Local Government Inspectorate or the Victorian Electoral Commission to determine your eligibility to nominate for election.
Your contact details (email address) may be used by the DGS or its contracted service providers under confidentiality agreements to engage with you about your experience with DGS. This information may also be made available to the Minister for Local Government, and other Victorian Government Ministers.
If you choose not to provide the required personal information, you will not be able to complete the mandatory candidate training and will therefore not be eligible to nominate for council.
Optional information
The registration process also asks a number of optional questions. If you choose to respond to these questions the information you provide will be used to enable Local Government Victoria to assess the level of interest of specific groups and to support suitable representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and other diverse groups in the future.
Any optional details supplied will only be used by government for de-identified, aggregate level reporting, evaluation and future policy development. Individual details will not be made public.
By providing the optional information requested, we interpret that to be your consent to collect the information and use it for the above purpose.
Access, correction and complaints
You may request access to, or correction of, documents that contain your personal information which are in the possession of DGS.
In some cases, requests for access or correction will be handled in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic).
Should you wish to gain access to or correct the personal information of yours that we hold, or make a privacy complaint, please contact:
Title: FOI and Privacy Officer, DGS
Contact details: privacy@dgs.vic.gov.au
You may also make a privacy complaint to:
- the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner for a complaint relating to personal information or sensitive information: 1300 006 842 or by email to privacy@ovic.vic.gov.au
- the Health Complaints Commissioner for a complaint relating to health information: 1300 582 113 or via the Health Complaints Commissioner website.